everyday illumination

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Were You Born Between 1956-1983? Lucky You, This Season is for You!

This time we are in is proving to be exciting and transformative but you may be feeling it more if you were born between 1956 -1983 you may be more impacted than other generations at this time. A biggest healing and transformative themes are going to triggered to close a cycle at this time. The generational signs of Pluto in Virgo and Libra are in the spotlight right now!!! We are being given the keys and the answers to how to timeline jump and accelerate forward NOW.

Any heaviness or dense emotions at this time are not a regression and do not mean that you are stuck. 


The energy up may feel ancient, old, heavy, and dense… and it’s likely not personal and may not actually be yours. Never fear you have been working on them and your chart is likely structured to support this.

Your inner child aspects are likely throwing up some red flags and giving you clues to find the remaining residue. This is time sensitive though… Capricorn stations direct October 11th and shifts into Aquarius November 19th. It is very important to close out this healing and the records of this energy if you want to accelerate or close out these patterns now. It is also integral to New Earth energy and shifts that come when Pluto shifts into Aquarius this fall. There will be a significant focus on a new definition of success which many of us are being asked in these generations to exhibit and model. It is also relating the older members of our line as it will ripple forward and back. 

If you are interested in diving deeper we have created a group starting Sept 20th to Reclaim to your Yourself and Your Vision. I am committed to intimate Circles of support and this important ripple effect being created NOW! So I am here to support this specific wave of women to move through this time.

If you want to explore this more and find a Circle of other like hearts and awakened women check out my newest offering and passion project Recommit to Your Vsion. We will be meeting for 8-weeks to explore romaticizing our lives and visioning a path focused on the things we care about most and sprinkled with the magic that is missing.

Reclaim Your Vision

1:1 deeper support the Exchange

I look forward to connecting and learning mroe about your vision.
