Levels of Consciousness

Understanding the impact of our emotions, trauma, and the impact of frequency on Densities, Dimensions, + Ascension

So with all this being said, there are times when understanding spiritual development through levels of conscious awareness is very useful. Perhaps it is best to understand them like elevations on a mountain. But rather than thinking the 10,000 foot peak is the destination, think of it more as gratitude for the present moment and its experience and the challenges you find at the "elevation" you are at while seeking to find the most natural "elevation" for your soul to thrive.

Understanding Levels of Conscious are Themes of Awareness + Awakening

For the sake of discussion and use of the following chart think of things this way…Each dimension is defined by how aware you are of your thoughts and how they impact your life. In the Age of Aquarius about the 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, and the fifth dimension mindsets.

Human beings are often completely absorbed in their ego at the bottom of the chart (described as a 3rd dimensional experience) and as you travel upward on the chart the Ego and Shadow are being healed and integrated which results in different emotions states and conscious experiences often including a deep mind-heart-body—spirit energetic understanding of the connection of all of life and profound clarity on what is real. 

In my mind the freedom that can be experienced when you understand the nature of service, the importance of love, and why human beings do what they do. Not being controlled by base fears and desires, and having a sense of freedom to interact in life based off of clarity and intuitive impulse. Being fully surrendered to life as it is and as it unfolds… is a 5th Dimensional Conscious State, in density the 5th Dimension is considered the 4th density.

Sometimes we look at the actions of others and find it difficult to understand what motivates them. We are all doing the best we can with the information we currently have. We have all been taught how to see the world from the examples of those around us and by our experiences. Keeping this in mind, we can accept the choices made by others while seeking ways to increase the world’s level of consciousness as a whole. Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet.

Our different levels of consciousness are like the developmental stages of children, whose understanding varies according to their age and experience. For example, the behavior of a two-year-old who doesn’t want to share can be understood as a phase of his social education, whereas a 16-year-old who behaves in the same manner would be thought to be acting childish. It is important to remember that we are each on our own unique path. We may have chosen certain lessons or made an agreement to play certain roles in the unfolding of the world’s understanding before we incarnated in this lifetime. So our job is not to judge others but to shift the balance of understanding in the world by increasing our own.

A little about each dimension

3rd, 4th, 5th Dimensional + Density

What are the differences between dimensions and densities? According to Swaruu of Erra, the words dimensions and densities are merely tools humans use to help conceptualize our universe, which is a range of frequencies.

As Swaruu communicates to contactee Gosia Duszak, densities refer to differing frequencies; cycles-per-second of oscillations within the atomic structure of matter. Swaruu explains the Taygetans are in 5D, oscillating faster than humans in 3D. Providing an in-depth perspective on the distinctions between 3D, 4D, 5D and beyond, Swaruu and Gosia reveal details about each density, the beings and creatures existing within each frequency range, and how all frequencies form an inseparable gradient.

The 3rd Dimension is an experiment where human beings are governed by mental conditioning and limiting beliefs. The 3D consists of form to control personal power, ego individuality, identification with ideas, opinions, fears, pleasures, division, conflict and suffering. Negative soul groups dwell there and shift the field with manipulation and competition. People feed off drama, trauma, outsmart each other and our service to self in a negative way.

The Fourth Density also known the Fourth Dimension (4D) is where you find awakened souls walking a tightrope between deprogramming and aligning with their higher self on this plane, the higher mind comes online.

The 4D consists of Shadow Work through analyzing one's limiting beliefs and perception, understanding where and how they were programmed to believe false illusions and narratives on Aarth. And that you were allowing your mind to control you from a fear based response system instead of listening to your higher self.

The goal of awakening and ascension is to activate the light body, the Crystalline Grid, and grow your spiritual wings so to speak. Within the 4D is the astral realm where you process your emotions and unexplained events.

You also meet your spirit team and work in tandem to dig deep within your shadow to integrate the darkness. and suppressed emotions to bring acceptance to them and collapse old timelines to release energies that no longer serve your highest good oer resonate.

The 4D is also where you realize everything exists and you utilize your imagination to cultivate and express a high vibrational life. A vital component of the 4D experience is to release ALL judgment so you can develop a sense of discernment through understanding different energies from the place of an observer, you then surrender to the whispers of your soul to get to the 5D.

The more positive your thoughts and emotions the faster you ascend. Living in a heart centered space is important. Here is an affirmation for you to work with the heart to access the fifth dimension.

“I am love. I am light, I am sovereign, I am free. As an alchemist I transmute shadow into light. I hold a higher frequency to awaken and shine bright.”

In 5D there is no fear and judgment. You transcend the fear based agendas, unconscious programs and see oneness. You allow all sides to play out there is no right or wrong. You let all truth speak while honoring your inner knowingness.

So when you take action, your truth is coming from a higher consciousness. You live and speak from empathy, love, peace, compassion and respond from a neutral perspective. you master the ability to detect if energy is coming from love and light or a lower vibration.

You know that you are the creator of your reality and are driven by your heart and the discernment of your third eye.

We are inseparable parts of the separated hole, we're one. We are the future within you.


Sound Healing


Meditating with a Mala