Is Our Higher Self Our Soulmate?
I am truly beginning to believe that our higher self is our soul mate, twin flame the piece that is meant to fill the void that we have been searching to fill our entire lives.
I believe my higher self is giving me to balance and bring back the sacred feminine that has been exiled from my field after a life time pretending everything is fine and stuffing everything down all while being bullied, slighted, and feeling discarded and truly like the black sheep or odd one out.
I do not need to tell you any stories about this because you can see it in my body. How I hold weight around my sacral and solar plexus almost like the gear a catcher wears ion baseball.
Several times in my life I have completely given up. When I was younger you can see it in photos and as I am older you can see it when my timelines or photo feed has no picture of me.
I have lived the last decade or so of my life very solitary and not all of that is because I was sad or depressed or hurting it was mostly because I couldn’t connect or after seeing clients I didn’t have the energy or capacity.
What I have realized is that is why I was so sick, that is why I wanted it all to end because it would be easier. Now not talking about ending my life I just couldn’t see a way out or how to come out of that space.
The pandemic was the break I needed but then when it ended I wasn’t healed and all fixed up I was a little burnt out and knew no where felt like home.
I did plant medicine, moved to Costa Rica and it took about a year a half to realize that I am well versed in giving from my heart but not in keeping it open to receive.
Imagine my surprise when my spiritual team let me in on the metaphor of the human heart that if all the blood pumps out and none of it comes back own the heart and the body cannot survive. They literally die.
And that is what it has felt like spiritually. If I am not vulnerable out of fear of being selected, shunned, discarded or whatever I was afraid of I cannot survive.
Many people may be surprised to read this because I am so personable, optimistic, full of life, and live on social media 5 days a week and I am so loving.
I am sharing this to say its time to come home to your heart space even if that feels like the scariest thing imaginable. When you learn to trust yourself, love yourself, and set healthy boundaries… NO ONE CAN EVER HURT YOU.
And guess what if you want to walk with me on that journey I am here. May are separating, getting divorced, quitting jobs, selling houses to be more mobile, stepping into your callings and more. You can do that with me and the community I am creating. Check out my for my offerings for 1:1, group, or inperson experiences. It is going to be ok and it is safe to ope your heart. xx