Intuitive Intelligence

Developing Your Clairs

Everything is Energy, Everything.

Understanding energy is key to developing your intuitive abilities. Each and every one of us has the ability to receive, read, and connect with energy, because we are energy, it just takes self-awareness and presence.

Sensing energy is natural and you likely you have been participating in this flow without even knowing it. We are constantly sensing, when you brush past someone in the grocery store, when you enter a room and feel a “vibe” or have an instant knowing that a situation feels off or aligned.

Your Clairs are how you receive and process information and experiences through your own intuition. This information is constantly being broadcast around and to us. Think of it like radio waves, so it’s really just a matter of learning how to tune into the right station.

To interpret what is being sent, you use your five senses as you do in your everyday life. You may feel that some of your senses are more reliable than others for making everyday judgments, you also may find that you have extrasensory senses, or ‘clairs’, that are being sent or “broadcast” at higher frequencies so they register stronger.

They are a part of the energy in the body and the communication bridge between all aspects of self, human, soul and higher self. We all have at least one dominant intuitive sense that we use to connect in our own unique way. Our job is to figure out what that is and then sim embrace it. Developing your Clairs is tapping into your infinite potential.

The Clair senses are types of intuitive abilities that correspond with our already existing five senses: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting, and the additional sense of knowing. When you begin to tap into your intuition and spirit energy, your mind and body become flooded with mental impressions: thoughts, feelings, images, sounds, tastes and smells.

Have you ever had a image, idea, thought, sound or smell just seemingly pop into your head? Without realizing it you were likely using a Clair sense. This happens more often than you realize, mostly because you don’t have specific awareness around your abilities.

The development of subtle perception, also is known as psychic awareness and holds immense importance for wellness, transformation and growth. Clair senses go beyond limitations of our physical senses. We have the ability to tap in more deeply to understand ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Here's why developing subtle perception is so crucial for personal growth:

1. Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Subtle perception enables us to connect with our inner selves on a profound level. By tuning into our intuition and energetic sensations, we gain insights into our thoughts, emotions, and even aspects of ourselves that might be hidden from our conscious mind. This self-awareness empowers us to make conscious choices aligned with our true desires and values.

2. Improved Decision-Making:

Intuitive awareness provides an additional layer of information that can complement rational decision-making. When we learn to listen to our inner guidance and sense the energy around different choices, we can make decisions that align with our highest good and lead to positive outcomes.

3. Deeper Connections:

Subtle perception allows us to sense the energies and emotions of others, leading to more authentic and empathetic connections. We can better understand the unspoken aspects of people's feelings, which enhances our communication and relationships. This skill is particularly valuable in both personal and professional settings.

4. Stress Reduction and Emotional Regulation:

Developing intuitive awareness helps us identify energetic imbalances or negative influences in our surroundings. By recognizing these factors, we can take steps to address them and create a more harmonious and stress-free environment. Additionally, being attuned to our energetic state can aid in managing emotions and stress, promoting emotional well-being.

5. Holistic Healing:

Subtle perception is closely connected to holistic healing practices. Many alternative therapies, such as Reiki, acupuncture, and energy healing, rely on our ability to sense and manipulate energy. By cultivating this skill, we can actively participate in our own healing process and well-being.

6. Personal Growth and Transformation:

Our journey of personal growth often involves exploring aspects of ourselves beyond the surface. Subtle perception opens doors to self-discovery, allowing us to uncover limiting beliefs, patterns, and past traumas that might be hindering our progress. By addressing these aspects, we can experience profound transformation and personal evolution.

7. Spiritual Connection:

Subtle perception can deepen our connection to our spiritual beliefs and practices. It helps us tune into the energetic aspects of the universe, guiding us toward a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

8. Cultivation of Intuition:

Intuition is a powerful tool for navigating life's complexities. Subtle perception is closely linked to intuition, and developing it strengthens our intuitive abilities. Trusting our intuition enables us to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and make choices aligned with our authentic selves. In essence, developing subtle perception is about expanding our awareness beyond the physical realm and tapping into our innate intuitive abilities. 

Yes, we all have them! This journey of exploration and growth allows us to live more purposefully, make informed decisions, and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

The Intuitive Gut-Brain Connection 

The intuitive gut-brain connection refers to the intricate link between our gastrointestinal system, often referred to as the "gut," and our brain, which includes our conscious and subconscious mind. 

This connection plays a crucial role in how our bodies process information, make decisions, and even experience emotions. Scientific research has unveiled the complex relationship between these two systems, highlighting the profound it health can have on our mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Within this complex interaction, the solar plexus is a key player, contributing significantly to the relationship that shapes both our notional physiological and emotional experiences.

The gut-brain connection refers to the constant exchange of information between our gastrointestinal system (gut) and our brain. 

This connection is facilitated by the vagus nerve, a long nerve that runs from the brainstem to the abdomen, connecting the brain and the gut. The vagus nerve serves as a direct communication pathway, transmitting signals in both directions influencing our emotions, thoughts, decision-making processes and intuition. The gut contains a vast network of neurons, often referred to as the "second brain" or the enteric nervous system. This network enables the gut to function independently and communicate with the brain, impacting various physiological processes. 

Technically, gut feelings are a process called interception. This is a person's ability to sense their body's physiological signals, such as heart rate, temperature, hunger, discomfort, and pain. 

Through the vagus nerve, afterrent cells interoceptive signals from the peripheral nervous system. It's within this connection that we often experience visceral sensations, such as “butterflies” or a “sinking or pit in the stomach” during moments of excitement or anxiety. It’s your "gut feeling".

Central to this dynamic relationship is the solar plexus. The solar plexus is the energy center connected to our sense of personal power, self. esteem, and intuitive perception. It's here that our "gut feelings" originate, acting as a compass for decisions that surpass conscious or rational thought. 

The solar plexus acts as a bridge between our intuitive faculties and our emotional experiences. When we encounter a situation, it's not uncommon to feel an intuitive response in our gut - a sensation originating from the solar plexus. This intuitive insight, conveyed through the solar plexus, can have a profound influence on our perceptions and choices. If we have awareness and pay attention.

Energetic balance of the solar plexus has a tangible impact on the gut-brain connection. An imbalanced solar plexus, resulting from low self-esteem or unresolved emotions, can impact the gut-brain axis, potentially affecting our emotional well-being, cognitive functions and ability to trust our intuited instincts.

Cultivating a balanced and harmonious solar plexus contributes to the equilibrium of the gut-brain connection. Practices such as meditation, breathwork, yoga, and reiki not only enhance the functioning of the solar plexus but also promote a healthier interaction between the gut and brain. By nurturing this energetic center, we foster a more resilient emotional state, which in turn positively affects our gut health and intuitive clarity.

Subtle Body Energies and Boundaries

You have the ability to govern what enters your realm during intuitive practices. By establishing intentions and fostering healthy boundaries, you can ensure that energies with lower vibrations don't enter your energy field. 

These boundaries not only safeguard you and your energy but also create an atmosphere where you can feel secure enough to open up and trust your intuition, leading to an increase in intuitive insights.

Before beginning intuitive work, define a clear intention and establish healthy boundaries for yourself. Find grounding within yourself and envelop yourself with a luminous aura of white light, infused with your intent. Imagine a bubble of energy around me, like a supportive force field, and say, "I only allow the highest love in and the highest live out.”

Following this, express your desire to receive insights and impressions from the following sources: 

1. Your Highest Self

2. The Highest Selves of your Spiritual Guides (angels, ascended masters/ teachers, plant and animal guides, etc)

3. Universal Source Energy (you can designate your own term for Source)

You might choose to imagine a mental representation for each of these sources. 

I visualize a white lotus flower to symbolize my Highest Self, white wings for the Supreme Guides, and the Flower of Life to represent Universal Source Energy. I visualize each of these one at a time in my mind's eye before I consciously engage my intuition. This automatically activates sound boundaries with yourself.


You can use an invocation (or prayer) to reinforce your boundaries, such as: "I now invoke my Highest Self, my Guides of Illumination and Wisdom, and Divine Source Energy to aid me in receiving clear and concise intuitive guidance today for my highest and greatest good. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Prefacing your request with the notion of the "highest good" ensures that you attune to the frequency of the Universal Source and your Highest Self. This, in turn, "filters" the incoming information, ensuring that you obtain that which is most beneficial and supportive for all.

Intention: Lastly, you can simply set the intention to solely engage with energies of Love and Light.

Intuitive Intelligence

Understanding the ‘Clairs’

Clairvoyance, “Clear Seeing”

Clairvoyant messages arrive as an image, movie, or scene and often are a metaphor. 

Signs you experience clairvoyance:

•You are easily able to visualize experiences, situations, pictures sometimes as if a movie is being projected in your mind's eye.

Sometimes it could manifest as a quick picture or even a holographic type image.

•You see flashes of light, color or shadows (this could include seeing auras).

•You often have vivid(lucid) dreams or daydreams

• Have a vivid imagination

• If you find yourself saying, " see" when talking to someone and try to relate.

Here are some examples of clairvoyance to provide a better understanding of how this intuitive ability can manifest:

1. Premonition Dreams: Imagine having a dream that vividly depicts a specific event, place, or scenario. Later, you find yourself in that ex. situation, and the details match what you saw in your dream. This example of clairvoyance where you've received information about a future event through clear visual impressions in a dream

2. Seeing Auras: A person with clairvoyant abilities might be able to see auras-subtle energy fields that surround living beings. They may perceive colorful or luminous halos around individuals, each color reflecting the person's emotional or energetic state.

3. Remote Viewing: Someone who is clairvoyant might be able to mentally "see" distant places or objects without having any physical presence there. This is often used in practices such as remote viewing, where individuals can describe details of a location they've never visited.

4. Symbolic Visions: During meditation or quiet reflection, a clairvoyant person might receive symbolic visions that convey meaningful messages. These visions can be in the form of images, scenes, or symbols that offer insights into personal situations, decisions, or future paths.

5. Spirit Communication: Clairvoyants may use their abilities to communicate with spirits, guides, or entities from other realms. They might "see" these entities as mental images or figures that provide guidance, messages, or insights.

6. Creative Visualization: Clairvoyant abilities can also be used in creative endeavors. Artists, writers, and creators might tap into their clairvoyant abilities to visualize and manifest their artistic ideas with greater clarity and depth.

These examples show how clairvoyance involves perceiving visual information beyond the ordinary senses, providing insights, guidance, and understanding that goes beyond what can be observed through our physical eyes.

While some people can actually see spirits, angels, auras, and the like with their own eyes- the way we see the physical world, what is more common is for the information to come in as described above - like pictures in your head.

Developing clairvoyance, the ability to receive intuitive information through clear visual perceptions, requires practice, patience, and of mind. 

Practices that can help you enhance your clairvoyant abilities:

1. Meditation: Meditation is a foundational practice for developing clairvoyance. Regular meditation helps quiet the mind, increase awareness, and open up channels for intuitive insights. Choose a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath or a calming visualization. Over time, you may start receiving visual impressions or images during your meditation sessions.

2. Visualization Exercises: Engage in visualization exercises to strengthen your ability to mentally create and manipulate images. Imagine simple scenes, objects, or scenarios in your mind's eye. Gradually work on adding more detail and complexity to your visualizations.

3. Dream Journaling: Keep a dream journal by your bedside. As you n up, jot down any images, symbols, or scenes you remember from you dreams. Over time, you may notice patterns or recurring themes that I intuitive significance.

4. Intuitive Art: Engage in art or creative activities that allow you to express your intuitive impressions visually. Let your hand guide the pe or brush without overthinking, and see what images emerge. This can help you tap into your subconscious mind and enhance your clairvoyant abilities.

5. Symbol Interpretation: Practice interpreting symbols and images th come to you spontaneously. These symbols can appear during meditation, daydreaming, or quiet moments. Trust your instincts to understand the messages behind these visuals.

6. Energy Work and Chakra Meditation: Developing your energetic awareness can enhance clairvoyant abilities. Focus on each chakra during meditation, visualize their colors, and observe any images or scenes that arise. This practice can help you connect with the subtle energy fields within and around you.

7. Mindful Observation: Practice observing your surroundings mindfully. As you go about your day, take moments to focus on objects, people, or scenes around you. Notice any visual impressions or intuitive insights that arise.

8. Tarot or Oracle Cards: Use tarot or oracle cards as tools to practice clairvoyance. Choose a card and observe the images and symbols. Pay attention to any intuitive insights or stories that come to mind based on the card's imagery.

9. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature and observe the details of your environment. Nature is full of symbols and messages that can stimulate clairvoyant experiences. Look for patterns, colors, and shapes that catch your attention.

10. Self-Trust and Patience: Believe in your own intuitive abilities and trust the images and impressions you receive, even if they seem subtle or unclear at first. Developing clairvoyance takes time, so be patient with yourself and allow your skills to evolve naturally.

11. Journaling: Keep an intuitive journal where you record any visual impressions, images, or scenes that come to you. Reflect on the meanings behind these visuals and any intuitive insights they might convey.

Remember that developing clairvoyance is a personal journey, and everyone's experiences are unique. These practices can help you cultivate your clairvoyant abilities over time. Stay open, curious, and consistent in your efforts, and be receptive to the messages and images that arise within your intuitive space.

Signs you experience Clairaudience


•Hearing voices as a regular voice(or as your own voice) as if someone is speaking to you that others do not hear

•Hearing footsteps or other noises when nobody is there. Not all people with this Clair hear spoken words. Instead, they may be hearing other sounds from a spirit that serve as symbols.

•You experience ringing in your ears. Similar to hearing other noises, hearing this ringing can indicate that a guide, angel or spirit is near and wishes to communicate with you. This type of ringing comes and goes and is not constant ringing as associated with tinnitus.

• You have conversations with "yourself." This is different from speaking aloud. Instead, it involves discussions in which you get answers you did not expect or that could not have come from you, even if these happen internally. These are conversations with your higher self.

• You often find yourself saying, "I hear you" when relating to someone valuable direction in personal matters.

Clairaudience - 'Clear hearing'

Someone has the ability to hear things psychically without the use

of their physical ears. Basically, it is telepathic information coming

into one's mind.

Signs you have Clairaudience:

•Hearing voices as a regular voice (or as your own voice) as if someone is speaking to you that others do not hear.

•Hearing footsteps or other noises when nobody is there. Not all people with this Clair hear spoken words. Instead, they may be hearing other sounds from a spirit that serve as symbols.

•You experience ringing in your ears. Similar to hearing other noises, hearing this ringing can indicate that a guide, angel or spirit is near and wishes to communicate with you. This type of ringing comes and goes and is not constant ringing as associated with tinnitus.

•You have conversations with "yourself." This is different from speaking aloud. Instead, it involves discussions in which you get answers you did not expect or that could not have come from you, even if these happen internally. These are conversations with your higher self.

• You often find yourself saying, "I hear you" when relating to someone

Here are some real-life examples of how clairaudience, the ability to receive information through clear auditory perceptions, might manifest: 

1. Hearing Guidance During Meditation: During a meditation session, someone with clairaudient abilities might suddenly hear a soft and distinct voice offering guidance, advice, or insights that feel beyond their own thoughts. This guidance can be from your guides and provide valuable direction in personal matters.

2. Receiving Messages from Loved Ones: A clairaudient individual might hear the voice of a deceased loved one, conveying messages of comfort, support, or even important information. These messages can provide closure and a sense of connection with the spirit realm.

3. Hearing Warnings: In situations of potential danger, a clairaudient person might hear an inner voice advising them to take specific choices to ensure their safety.

4. Recognizing Truth in Conversations: Someone with clairaudient abilities might pick up on subtle shifts in the tone of someone's voice during a conversation. This can help them discern whether the person is being truthful or if there's an underlying emotion that isn't being expressed verbally.

It's important to note that clairaudience can manifest differently for different individuals. Some may hear external sounds, while others might hear internal voices or thoughts that feel distinct from their own thinking.

Developing clairaudience, the ability to receive intuitive information through clear auditory perceptions, involves honing your inner listening skills and enhancing your connection to subtle sounds.

Here are some practices that can help you develop and strengthen your clairaudient abilities:

1. Quiet Your Mind: Begin with meditation or mindfulness practices to quiet the mental chatter and create a receptive space for intuitive insights. Regularly calming your mind can help you become more attuned to subtle auditory impressions.

2. Inner Dialogue: Practice having conversations with your inner self. Ask questions or seek guidance, and then listen quietly for any responses or intuitive insights that come in the form of thoughts or words.

3. Journaling: Keep an intuitive journal to record any auditory messages or words that come to you during meditation, dreams, or daily activities.

Reflect on the meaning behind these messages and how they relate to your life.

4. Intuitive Music Listening: Listen to instrumental music or calming sounds and focus on any auditory impressions that arise. You might hear messages, words, or even melodies that offer intuitive insights.

5. Vocal Toning or Humming: Engage in vocal toning or humming exercises to raise your vibrational frequency and enhance your ability to perceive subtle sounds. Experiment with different tones and pitches and notice any shifts in your awareness.

6. Automatic Writing: Use automatic writing as a tool to connect with your clairaudient abilities. Sit quietly with a pen and paper, and allow yourself to write down any words, phrases, or messages that come to you without consciously thinking about them.

7. Ear Training: Practice ear training exercises by listening to various sounds, tones, and frequencies. Pay attention to the different qualities of sounds and notice how each affects your energy and perception.

8. Spirit Communication: During meditation, invite your spirit guides, higher self, or deceased loved ones to communicate with you through words or messages. Listen attentively for any responses or guidance that you may receive.

9. Nature Sounds: Spend time in nature and listen to the sounds around you. Tune in to the subtle sounds of rustling leaves, flowing water, or birdsong. Practice focusing on these sounds and any intuitive insights they might trigger.

10. Practice Active Listening: Practice active listening in your conversations with others. Pay attention not only to the words spoken but also to the underlying emotions and energy behind them. This practice can help you develop your intuitive auditory perception.

11. Trust Your Intuition: Trust the words or phrases that come to you, even if they seem unrelated or unconventional. Developing clairaudience requires confidence in the intuitive messages you receive.

Those who are clairaudient will more often "hear" spirit/guides as clearly as if they are having their own thoughts in your own voice. Like with any clair ability, mindfulness and trusting your intuition will help you discern between your own thoughts or imagination, and what is coming in from an external source

Claircognizance - 'Clear knowing'

Those who possess claircognizance, can spontaneously acquire knowledge about people, situations, or concepts without any apparent source of information or logical explanation.


Signs you experience Claircognizance:

• You have the ability to predict events based on a gut feeling that is proven accurate.

•You just seem to know information without having any way to validate it, but just know 

• You have random thoughts or ideas that may end up preventing you or your loved ones from very real consequences or repercussions or lead you to something great. 

• You know what people are going to say before they finish speaking 

• You have a good sense of direction and can find your way in unfamiliar places easily

• You have an excellent memory

• You know something about someone without them telling you 

• You have a sudden realization of of a fact it flash of insight

• You often find yourself saying, "I understand you" or "I know" when relating to others.

Here are some real-life examples of how claircognizance, the ability to receive intuitive information through clear knowing or sudden insights, might manifest:

1. Instant Understanding: You're in a meeting or a discussion, and suddenly you have a deep and clear understanding of a complex concept or situation, even if you hadn't studied it before. This is a manifestation of claircognizance.

2. Predicting Outcomes: You predict the outcome of a situation or event with a high degree of accuracy, even though you can't explain how you know. For instance, you might sense that a project will be successful or that a certain decision will lead to positive results.

3. Sudden Solutions: While grappling with a problem, you suddenly receive a clear solution or idea that wasn't there before. It feels as though the answer has appeared out of nowhere.

4. Spontaneous Ideas: You find yourself coming up with innovative ideas or insights without actively brainstorming. These ideas feel fully formed and are often ahead of their time.

5. Guided Decision-Making: When faced with a choice, you experience a strong and unwavering inner knowing about the right decision to make, even if the logical reasons aren't immediately apparent.

6. Receiving Information About People: You meet someone for the first time and quickly sense their personality traits, emotions, or aspects of their life story without them sharing much information.

7. Channeling Information: In conversations or while writing, you experience a flow of information that seems to come from a higher source. You're able to convey insights or teachings that you haven't consciously learned.

8. Recognizing Hidden Motives: You sense the underlying motivations or intentions of people, even when their words and actions might suggest otherwise. You're able to see through the surface and understand the true essence of a situation.

9. Making Quick Assessments: You can rapidly assess situations, people, or ideas and determine whether they align with your values and goals. This helps you make efficient decisions without getting caught up in unnecessary details.

10. Accurate Predictions: You foresee future events or outcomes with a high level of accuracy. While you might not have tangible evidence to support your predictions, your claircognizant insights often prove to be correct.

11. Empowerment Through Knowledge: You have an innate ability to grasp complex subjects quickly and explain them to others in a simple and understandable manner. You're often sought after for your insights and explanations.

12. Writing and Creativity: You experience moments of inspiration where you can write or create with a sense of clarity and purpose. The ideas and words flow effortlessly, as if you're tapping into a well of knowledge beyond your conscious mind.

These examples illustrate how claircognizance can manifest in various aspects of life, providing sudden insights and a deep sense of knowing that transcends logic or prior knowledge. Developing and trusting your claircognizant abilities can lead to greater confidence in your decision-making and a broader understanding of the world around you.

Developing claircognizance, involves enhancing your innate sense of receiving insights and knowledge beyond rational thinking. 

Here are some practices to help you develop and strengthen your claircognizant abilities:

1. Meditation: Regular meditation helps quiet the mind, allowing intuitive insights to arise more easily. During meditation, focus on being receptive to any sudden ideas or understandings that come to you. Trust the thoughts that pop into your mind, even if they seem unrelated to your current thoughts.

2. Journaling: Keep an intuitive journal where you jot down any insights, thoughts, or ideas that come to you during the day. Over time, you might notice patterns or themes emerging that can give you a clearer sense of your claircognizant abilities.

3. Automatic Writing: Sit down with a pen and paper, and without thinking, allow your hand to move and write freely. This can help you tap into your intuitive thoughts and insights. You might find surprising information flowing onto the paper.
4. Trust Your First Impressions: When you encounter a situation, person, or idea, pay attention to your initial gut feeling or thought. Often, the first impression that comes to you is a claircognizant insight.

5. Question and Wait: Before seeking answers, ask yourself a question and then let it go. Allow the answer to come to you naturally, without actively searching for it. Sometimes, insights arise when you're not actively focusing on finding them.

6. Learn to Distinguish Intuition from Ego: Practice discerning between genuine intuitive insights and mere mental chatter. True claircognizance often feels like a calm, clear knowing, while ego-driven thoughts can be more frantic or emotional.

7. Embrace Curiosity: Cultivate a sense of curiosity about the world around you. As you engage in learning and exploration, your claircognizant abilities may naturally unfold.

8. Practice Mindfulness: Be fully present in your daily activities. This mindful awareness can help you catch subtle intuitive insights that might otherwise go unnoticed.

9. Develop Your Analytical Skills: Strengthening your analytical skills can help you differentiate between logical reasoning and claircognizant insights. This clarity can boost your confidence in your intuitive abilities.

10. Trust and Patience: Building claircognizance takes time and practice.

Trust the insights that come to you and be patient with the process. Doubt can block your intuitive flow, so cultivate self-assurance.

11. Seek Confirmation: When a claircognizant insight comes to you, look for ways to validate or confirm it. This can help you build confidence in your intuitive abilities over time.

Remember, everyone's journey in developing claircognizance is unique. Be open, curious, and gentle with yourself as you explore and nurture this intuitive aspect of yourself.

Clairsentience - ‘clear feeling’

Those with Clairsentience have the psychic ability to sense and connect to the world around us. They feel energy, people's emotional states, and physical feelings.

Signs you experience Clairsentience:

• You can tell when energy shifts and can describe what the energy actually feels like.

• You are highly sensitive to your surroundings and can easily pick up on the

"vibe" of a place or person.

• You can feel other people's pain, even the location of the pain on their body.

• Sometimes you will take on that feeling within your own body.

• The energy of a person or place can make you feel drained, uncomfortable or physically ill.

•You go into an old building and can sense the imprinted energy of the space.

•You are highly sensitive and empathetic

You feel the presence of spirits. You may be able to feel hot or cold spots in a room. You may get goosebumps or the hair on the back of your neck may stand up.

You tend to use the words "I feel..." in conversation when relating to others.

Clairsentience , can manifest in various ways in real life. Here are some examples of how clairsentience might appear: 

1. Meeting New People: When you meet someone for the first time, you might get a strong feeling about their personality or intentions. This feeling could be positive or negative and may guide your interactions with them.

2. Environmental Sensitivity: You might enter a room or a space and immediately sense the energy or atmosphere there. You could tell if the atmosphere feels tense, peaceful, joyful, or uncomfortable.

3. Empathy: Clairsentient individuals often have a heightened sense of empathy. You may find yourself strongly feeling the emotions of others, even without them expressing those feelings directly.

4. Physical Sensations: You might suddenly get a physical sensation in your body that corresponds to a situation or emotion. For instance, feeling a tightening in your chest when sensing someone's sadness or anxiety.

5. Intuitive Nudges: You could have an unexplainable urge or feeling that guides you to take a certain action. For example, you might suddenly feel like calling a friend, only to discover they needed your support.

6. Making Decisions: Clairsentience can play a role in decision-making. You might make choices based on a strong gut feeling rather than analyzing pros and cons.

7. Reading Energy:You may sense the energy of a particular place, object, or situation. For instance, walking into a house and feeling uneasy without any logical reason.

8. Animal Communication: Some clairsentient individuals can connect with animals and sense their emotions, needs, or messages.

9. Picking up Vibes: When interacting with a group of people, you might pick up on the overall mood of the group, even if no one is openly expressing their emotions.

10. Health Intuition: Clairsentients might intuitively sense imbalances or issues within their own bodies or others'. This could prompt them to seek medical attention or explore holistic remedies. *Note: Do not diagnose or explicitly tell someone they have a health problem.

11. Forewarning: You might experience a sudden feeling of unease or caution before a potentially dangerous situation, guiding you to be more vigilant.

12. Dreams and Nightmares: Clairsentient experiences can also occur during dreams. You might have vivid dreams that convey strong emotions or insights.

Remember, clairsentience is unique to each individual, and the experiences can vary widely. Developing an awareness of your own feelings and sensations and trusting your intuitive nudges can help you recognize and understand clairsentient experiences more deeply.

Developing clairsentience involves cultivating your sensitivity to subtle energies and emotions. Here are some practices that can help you enhance and nurture your clairsentient abilities:

1. Meditation:Regular meditation helps quiet the mind and enhances your receptivity to subtle energies. Focus on tuning into your own feelings and sensations during meditation. This practice can heighten your awareness of the energies around you. Mindfulness can help you tune into your clairsentient perceptions.

3. Grounding Exercises: Grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot on natural surfaces, gardening, or simply visualizing roots extending from your body into the Earth, can help you feel more connected to the energies around you.

4. Journaling: Keep a journal where you record your feelings, emotions, and sensations throughout the day. Over time, patterns and insights may emerge that enhance your clairsentient awareness.

5. Self-Care: Taking care of your own well-being is crucial. When you're balanced physically, emotionally, and mentally, your clairsentient abilities are more likely to flourish.

6. Trust Your Feelings: Practice trusting your initial feelings and sensations, even if they don't seem to have a logical basis. These intuitive nudges often lead to deeper insights.

7. Practice Sensory Exercises: Engage in exercises that enhance your sensory perceptions. Close your eyes and focus on different sensations, such as touch, taste, and smell, to develop your ability to perceive subtle energies.

8. Energy Work: Explore practices like Reiki, Qi Gong, or Tai Chi that involve working with energy. These practices can help you become more attuned to the energetic sensations around you.

9. Practice emotional discernment and create Emotional Space: Practicing emotional discernment is essential for clairsentience, helping you distinguish your own emotions from the emotions of others. During interactions, mentally create a buffer zone(remember your bubble of light) between yourself and others. This can help you discern your emotions from others and prevent their emotions from immediately blending with your own.

11. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, observing the different energies and sensations you experience. Nature is a rich source of intuitive information.

12. Intuitive Exercises: Practice exercises with a partner. Have them hold an object or a photo and try to sense the emotions or energies associated with it. Over time, this can sharpen your clairsentient skills.

13. Visualization: During meditation or quiet moments, visualize yourself surrounded by a protective and receptive energy field. This can help you attune to the energies around you without feeling overwhelmed.

Remember that developing clairsentience takes time and patience. As you engage in these practices consistently, you'll likely notice a gradual increase in your ability to sense and interpret energies and emotions.

Whenever you get a strong intuitive feeling about something, write it down in a journal. Over the next week or month, you will realize how many clairsentient messages you get from your intuition. 

Honor and express gratitude for your intuition and how it comes in. Beginning to recognize these messages will help you pick up on more of them.

Empathy vs Clairsentience:

Empathy is often mistaken for Clairsentience, although related, there's distinct concepts in the realm of intuitive and emotional abilities. 

How they differ: Clairsentience is an extrasensory perception that extends beyond the realm of personal emotions. Those with clairsentient abilities can pick us on emotions, energies, or information from people, places, objects, or even spiritual entities without having prior knowledge of the situation.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves feeling the emotions of others as if they were your own, often driven by a deep sense of compassion and understanding.

Empathy is a natural human quality that enables us to connect with and relate to others emotionally. It's based on personal experiences and the capacity to put yourself in someone else's shoes, experiencing their emotions firsthand.

Example: An empathetic person might feel sadness when a friend is upset, experiencing a fraction of the friend's emotions as if they were their own.

Key Differences between Empathy vs Clairsentience::

1. Source of Information:

-Clairsentience involves receiving information beyond personal experiences, often from external energies, entities, or environments.

-Empathy is based on personal experiences and shared emotions with others, driven by understanding and compassion.

- Empathy primarily focuses on understanding and sharing human emotions.4. Boundaries:

- Clairsentients often need to establish boundaries to avoid become overwhelmed by the influx of external energies.

- Empaths might experience difficulty in establishing boundaries as naturally merge with others' emotions.

In essence, while both clairsentience and empathy involve feeling emotions, clairsentience goes beyond personal connections and can encompass a broader spectrum of experiences and energies. Empathy, on the other hand, centers on connecting with others' emotions based on shared human experiences.

2. Scope of Perception: Clairsentience extends to energies and emotions beyond human interactions, including spiritual and environmental energies.

- Empathy primarily focuses on understanding and sharing human emotions.

3. Origin of Feelings:

- In clairsentience, the feelings or sensations might not have a direct connection to the person experiencing them. In empathy, the emotions directly mirror those of the person being empathized with.

4. Boundaries: Clairsentients often need to establish boundaries to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the influx of external energies.

Empaths might experience difficulty in establishing boundaries as they naturally merge with others' emotions.In essence, while both clairsentience and empathy involve feeling emotions, clairsentience goes beyond personal connections and can encompass a broader spectrum of experiences and energies. Empathy, On the other hand, centers on connecting with others' emotions based on shared human experiences.

In essence, while both clairsentience and empathy involve feeling emotions, clairsentience goes beyond personal connections and can encompass a broader spectrum of experiences and energies. Empathy, on the other hand, centers on connecting with others' emotions based on shared human experiences.

Clairalience 'clear smelling'

This is being able to smell odors that don't have any kind of physical source.

Signs you experience Clairalience:

Highly developed sense of smell(sensitivity to smells)

•Sudden fits of sneezing(you're not sick or experiencing allergies)

•Smelling the scent of a transitioned loved one

•Smelling scents that no one else smells or there's no physical reason to smell it

You can smell energy (think of it like an "animal smells fear")

Clear Smelling

•Smelling scents that no one else smells or there's no physical reason to smell it

• You can smell energy (think of it like an "animal smells fear")

Here are some instances that you might be experiencing clairalience:

1. Unexpected Scents:You catch whiffs of scents that don't have a logical explanation. These scents can be pleasant or unpleasant and might appear out of nowhere, even when there's no identifiable source around.

2. Association with Spirits: You notice specific scents that are associated with loved ones who have passed away. This can be any smell that reminds you of them or that was representative of them, such as their perfume, the smell of their house, the smell of their favorite flower, etc.

3. Emotional Triggers: Certain scents trigger strong emotional reactions or memories that aren't directly related to your current surroundings. These scents might evoke feelings from the past or connections to different times and places.

4. Guidance and Messages: Unusual scents might accompany intuitive insights or messages. For example, If you suddenly smell a person in their absence, it means that they are thinking about you, and you are sensing this through the energy cord formed between you two.

5. Premonitions: Scents could foreshadow events or situations. For instance, you might smell smoke before a fire-related incident, even when there's no actual fire nearby.

6. Environmental Sensitivity: You're acutely aware of scents in your environment, even when others don't seem to notice them. This sensitivity can extend to picking up on subtle shifts or changes in smells.

7. Spiritual Practices: While engaging in spiritual practices, meditation, or energy work, you perceive unique scents that don't originate from your physical surroundings. This could include smelling flowers or scents like myrrh and frankincense which could indicate an angel is near.

8. Validation of Intuition: Smells can validate your intuitive insights. If you're pondering a decision and suddenly smell something meaningful, it might serve as confirmation.

9. Personal Significance: Certain scents hold personal significance or memories for you, and you notice them at significant moments or during times of reflection.

10. Auras and Energies: You associate specific scents with people, places, or energies. These scents might give you insights into the emotional or energetic state of a person or environment. There are also individuals who when they smell odors they experience vivid color associations, this is called synesthesia.

Developing clairalience, the intuitive ability of clear smelling or psychic smelling, involves sharpening your olfactory senses and connecting with subtle energies. Here are some practices to help you enhance and nurture your clairalient abilities:

1. Mindful Smelling: Practice mindful smelling by consciously engaging with scents around you. Notice the details of each scent, its intensity, and any emotional or memory associations that arise.

2. Scent Journaling: Keep a journal where you record any unusual scents you encounter throughout the day. Describe the scent, the context in which you encountered it, and any intuitive feelings or thoughts that accompany it.

3. Aromatherapy and Meditation: Engage in aromatherapy practices with essential oils. In a quiet space, close your eyes, inhale the scent, and observe any sensations, images, or insights that come to you during meditation.

4. Connect with Nature: Spend time in natural environments where scents are abundant. Pay attention to the various smells and notice if any evoke emotions, memories, or intuitive insights.

5. Trust Your Nose: When you suddenly smell a scent that seems out of place or unexplained, trust your instincts. Take a moment to reflect on what the scent might symbolize or convey.

6. Visualization and Intention: Before engaging in clairalient practices, visualize your olfactory senses opening up and becoming more receptive. Set the intention to be more attuned to intuitive scents.

7. Meditation with Food: During meals, close your eyes and inhale the aroma of your food before eating. Notice any sensations, memories, or insights that arise from the scent.

12. Create Scent Associations: Associate specific scents with different emotions, memories, or energies. Over time, this can help you interpret intuitive scents more effectively.

13. Validate Through Intuition: If you encounter an intuitive scent, use your other intuitive senses (such as clairvoyance or claircognizance) to validate or interpret its meaning.

Remember that patience and consistency are key. As you engage in these practices, your ability to sense and interpret intuitive scents will likely grow stronger, allowing you to tap into a deeper level of intuitive perception.

Clairgustance: 'Clear tasting'

Clairgustance is perceiving information through the sense of taste without putting anything in your mouth.

•A strong connection with the sense of Clairgustance taste.

•Can taste things that have nothing to do with food, such as objects, places, and people.

•When you are remembering a certain situation or place, can you sense the taste in your mouth of the food you ate there.

•Oral sensations such as: Dry mouth, belching, hiccups or salivating.

Clairgustance, or clear tasting, is an intuitive ability that allows individuals to perceive tastes or flavors without any physical source present. Here are some examples of clairgustance experiences:

1. Sudden Flavors: You might suddenly taste a specific flavor in your mouth without having consumed anything related to that taste recently. This taste can be fleeting and unrelated to your immediate environment.

2. Symbolic Tastes: Certain tastes might carry symbolic meanings for you. For example, tasting sweetness could indicate a positive outcome or a joyful message, while bitterness might signal caution or an impending challenge.

3. Intuitive Eating: When trying new foods or dishes, you might have an immediate sense of whether they are beneficial for your well-being or resonate with your energy.

4. Receiving Insights: While contemplating a question or problem, you might experience a taste that provides an answer or solution. The taste could be a confirmation or guidance.

5. Associating Tastes with People: You might associate specific tastes with certain individuals, situations, or energies. These tastes can provide insight into the nature of the connection.

6. Validation of Choices: When faced with decisions, you might taste a particular flavor as a sign that you're making the right choice. This taste validation can offer a sense of affirmation.

7. Recalling Memories: Tasting a certain flavor could trigger memories from the past, revealing insights or emotions associated with those memories.

8. Environmental Impressions: When entering a new space or environment, you might taste a specific flavor that gives you information about the energy or atmosphere of the place.

9. Connecting with Energies: While meditating or engaging in energy work, you might taste flavors that correspond to different chakras or energy centers in your body.

10. Dream Tasting: Experiencing tastes in your dreams can carry messages or insights that are not immediately apparent when you wake up.

It's important to trust your intuitive tastes and explore their meanings with an open mind. 

Each taste can be like a clue or piece of a puzzle, guiding you toward deeper understanding and insights into your intuitive abilities and the messages from the spiritual realm.

Creating Signs and Symbols:

Creating personal signs and symbols to enhance your connection with the clairs is a powerful way to receive and interpret intuitive information.

These signs and symbols serve as a personalized language between you and the spiritual realm, making your intuitive experiences more vivid and meaningful. Here's a guide to help you create your own signs and symbols for each clair:

1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing):

• Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize a specific image or scene that represents a certain message or guidance. This could be a color, an object, or even a landscape.

•Dream Imagery: Pay attention to recurring images in your dreams.

Choose a few symbols that frequently appear and assign meanings to them.

• Mental "Snapshots": When you receive an intuitive vision, mentally capture a snapshot of the image and store it for future reference.

2. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling):

• Emotion Associations: Connect specific emotions or physical sensations to certain messages or energies. For example, feeling warmth in your chest might symbolize love or a positive affirmation.

• Object Associations: Use objects as symbols to represent emotions or energies. Hold an object in your hand while focusing on the energy you want to symbolize, then use that object as a touchstone.

• Color Meanings: Associate certain colors with emotions or energies.

Trust your gut feeling about which colors resonate with specific experiences.

3. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing):

Sound Representations: Assign specific sounds or tones to various messages. These sounds could be musical notes, chimes, or even nature sounds like birds chirping.

Inner Voice Tones: Listen to your inner voice and notice if it has variations in tone or pitch for different messages. These tonal shifts can serve as symbols for different meanings.

Word Play: Play with words that rhyme or have similar sounds to the message you're receiving. These word associations can become your auditory symbols.

4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing):

• Number Sequences:** Assign meanings to number sequences that appear to you frequently. For example, seeing "111" might represent new beginnings.

• Word Impulses: Notice when a certain word or phrase suddenly pops into your mind. These unbidden thoughts can hold symbolic meanings.

• Instant Insights: When you experience a sudden knowing about a situation or decision, take note of the feeling and the message you received.

5.Clairalience (Clear Smelling):

Scent Associations: Link specific scents or smells to certain messages or energies. Create a list of scents and their corresponding meanings.

Memory Triggers: Use scents that trigger specific memories or emotions as symbols. When you encounter these scents, interpret them as messages.

Essential Oils: Incorporate essential oils during meditation or visualization, associating each scent with a particular intuitive message.

Taste Associations: Connect specific tastes or flavors to different energies or messages. These can range from sweet to bitter, depending on the significance of the message.

Herbal Teas: Drink herbal teas while focusing on a particular intention or question. The taste of the tea can become a symbol for your intuitive insight.

Food and Intuition: Pay attention to any taste-related experiences you have while eating. These experiences can carry symbolic meaning.

Creating your own signs and symbols for each clair enhances your ability to receive and understand intuitive information. Remember that these symbols are deeply personal and should resonate with you on an intuitive level. Over time, your intuitive language will become more refined and 1elp you navigate the subtle realms of clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairalience, and clairgustance with greater confidence and clarity.

The symbolism is personal and can vary for each individual.

Write down how you have experienced each clair and continue to take notes as things pop into your awareness. Before you know it, you will have a symbol guide that will help you connect to the messages your clair senses are communicating with/to you.

Remember, these symbols are deeply personal and can vary based on your own experiences, associations, and intuition. Feel free to create your own symbols that resonate with you and hold meaning in your intuitive journey.

Tapping into your clairs offers a fascinating glimpse into the multidimensional world of intuitive perception. Each clair provides a unique channel through which we can connect with the subtle energies, messages, and insights that surround us. Whether it's the clear seeing of clairvoyance, the deep feeling of clairsentience, the intuitive hearing of clairaudience, or any of the other clairs, we have access to all these abilities within us. 

With practice, patience, and an open heart, you can cultivate and strengthen these intuitive gifts over time. 

Just as a muscle grows stronger with exercise, our clairs develop and expand as we engage in mindful practices that nurture our connection with the unseen realms. As we explore and embrace these different ways of perceiving, we open ourselves to a world of guidance and wisdom that transcends the limitations of the physical senses.

However, it's crucial not to compare your intuitive abilities with those of others. Each person's journey is their own, and our strengths lie in our unique combinations of clairs. Comparing ourselves to others can dampen our confidence and hinder our progress. The beauty of this journey lies in celebrating your own growth and experiences, without measuring them against anyone else's.

Once you become aware of the diverse ways in which your intuition and Spirit communicate with you, a door is opened to a profound and magical journey. This journey is one of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and an ever-deepening connection to the universal energies that guide us. The clairs are not only tools of insight but also bridges to a realm of creativity, healing, and alignment with your true purpose.

So as you continue on this adventure working on developing your clairs, do so with curiosity and reverence, allowing the clairs to lead you toward a richer understanding of yourself and the world around you. As you embrace your innate intuitive potential, you create a path to a life filled with deeper meaning, connection, and the realization of your infinite spiritual capacities.