What is Soul Mapping?
A Soul Map gives you the blueprint of your Soul and your path for this lifetime. It provides access to the information and understandings of your core energetic make-up. You will not only discover, but possibly confirm, what you may have already ‘known’ … who you are, what you’re here to do, and why you feel the way you do about your Self and your life, relationships, and vocation. It is a guide to your awakening, ascension, and dharma.
Why is this important for you? By understanding your Soul Contract, Energetic make-up and Essence of your Soul and Higher Self through your Human Design, Astrology, and Gene Keys. Your Soul Map provides you with direction, gives you clarity, confidence liberation. As you feel more empowered to move ahead and thrive in your life your map will reveal insights and answers to better understand why you came here at this time.
Energy: Strategy + Decisions
ASTROLOGY helps us to understand our purpose, karma, and lessons we are here to learn in this life, and areas of our lives that we hold certain energy or challenges and gifts.
This information truly gives you the WHAT, WHEN, HOW… textures and nuances of your life, life stages, and can even show you a lot of about vocation, roles, and career paths that you may embark on.
It essentially is the interpretation of the Stars, Sun, Moon, and Planets. Using your birth chart. The most significant of them are you the Sun, Moon, and your Rising Sign or first house placements.
The birth chart is what makes your astrology unique to you and is calculated based on the moment and place of your birth... different than a generalized horoscope that could be anyone.
HUMAN DESIGN is a modality that offers a map and understanding that shows you your uniqueness, energetic signature, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are.
The 3 main things I use them for is help you understand your energy, your intuition, and how to turn challenges like anxiety or indecisiveness to your strengths or superpower.
This system supports you in experiencing personal alignment. When we are in alignment, we feel less resistance in our life and more harmony, abundance, and ease.
You can find out how you best make decisions, digest information or food, environments where you are most comfortable, best ways and spaces to work in, what lights you up, and what you need to feel free.
The wisdom Traditions incorporated in this modality are the I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, and 9 Hindu Chakras).
Lessons: Where + How of Life
GENE KEYS is a modality of practical wisdom used to guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential.
It’s based on showing that our DNA is highly sensitive and actually responds to both emotion and belief or thought. Experiments have shown that the phosphates deep within our cells expand and contract according to the electromagnetic impulses of our environment.
The environment that has the greatest impact on us is the subtle quantum field generated by our unconscious attitude toward life. In other words, our consciousness creates our reality.
Contemplation and healing resulting in higher consciousness allows you to transform your mind but also your body. This is how you can connect to your highest self and the uniqueness of who you are. Gene Keys also use the I Ching and is linked to Human Design.
Essence: Transformation + Integration