Intuition and the ‘clair senses’

The truth is that everyone has some psychic ability, but it might just be blocked or trapped under some heavy expectations about what you think a psychic ability should look or feel like. Most people think that having psychic ability is actually bigger than it is, and that’s their downfall. So it’s not a question of whether you have abilities or not – it’s a question of how open you are to accessing and using them. Imagine each of the 9 Clair senses on a spectrum which correlate with our 5 senses.

Some of ours will be turned up really high, whereas others will be so low that it feels like they’re completely off. Our intuition and spirit are intrinsically connected some will be stronger than others. And they’re are all accessible! Sometimes we lose touch with our psychic senses when we ignore them or block them due to feel shame or have a frightening experience.

Think of a time in your life where an image, sound, or smell just seemingly popped out of nowhere. This was actually the influence of a ‘clair sense’ even though you didn’t know at the time. And it likely happens more than you realize. Developing this subtle perception, is as intuitive intelligence or psychic awareness. This is very important to your personal development and holistic wellbeing because this involves deeper understanding of self, others, and the world we exist in.

Developing subtle perception and intuition is crucial for personal development because it allows enhanced self-awareness, Improved decision-making, deeper connections, stress reduction, spiritual connection, holistic healing, and transformation. In essence, developing subtle perception is about expanding our awareness beyond the physical realm and tapping into our innate intuitive abilities.

This is a journey of exploration and growth allows us to live more purposefully, make aligned decisions, and cultivate a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us.

Which of your psychic abilities may be the strongest?


    The most visual of all the clairs. You receive pictures in the form of images in your minds eye. The may be vivid dreams, visions, mental images, or mini movies. You may be able to see colors of aura's, etc. Images may be literal or metaphorical. You may inclined towards this clair if you are a visual person, and often visual solutions to problems. You may be good at directions or visual spatial problems. 


    Clairintellect happens when your thoughts can manifest as your intu­ition. You may notice in conversations that your words come through and although seem like thoughts are words from a higher source of con­sciousness. This can manifest as having "epiphanies" commonly. *You may be inclined towards clairintellect if you are very left brained and a linear thinker.


    Claircognizance is experiencing a sudden or an unexplainable certainty of knowing something. You know it to be true in your mind's eye, even though you did not hear or see it. It may be an instant insight, or a download. This clair can also manifest as instincts.


    This is sensing other people's emotions, thoughts or symptoms. It is an awareness of emotional energy, as an example others crying might make you cry.

    It is important as a clairempathy to understand how to balance your empathy, how to not take on the 'stuff of other people, or walk into energy fields. The difference between clair 'empath' and 'sentience' is empaths sense the emotion, and sen­tiences physically feel it.


    You actu­ally feel the physical feeling in your body that others are experience. An example is if someone is having a stomach ache you feel either pain or a sensation in your stomach too.

    You may also be able to feel emo­tional injuries where they may manifest in the body.


    With this clair you are able to hear voices or messages from the spiritual realms. You may hear them in your ears or your Mouth of God Chakra.

    An example is you may be driving and suddenly hear "turn left" even though you are the only one in the car. You might be inclined towards clairaudience if you are naturally attuned towards sounds, music, or toning.


    Insights come through the perception of smell. Such as smelling your deceased grandmothers perfume when there is nobody else around. 

    These odors can also be perceived and not actu­ally carry the physical sensation of smell. 


    You may be able perceive facts about things or people by touching them. You may gain insight into people by touching their watch or their hand.


    This is sensing things through taste even without having that physical source of taste in your mouth. You may taste the favorite food of a deceased loved one.

the clairs 101

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